Barter of commodities

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विपरीतीकृतमूल्ये भाण्डप्रतिभाण्डके विधिः पूर्वः ।


In (problems on) the barter of commodities, having transposed the prices (of the commodities), apply the previous rule (i.e rule of five , etc.).


If 2 palas of dry ginger are obtained for 6 and one pala of long pepper for 9, how much of long pepper will then be obtained for 6 palas of dry ginger?

Argument Side Requistion Side
Cost of dry ginger → 6 9 ← Cost of long pepper
Quantity of dry ginger → 2 1 ← Quantity of long pepper
In exchange of quantity

of dry ginger →

6 ← How much quantity of

long pepper will get?

Transposing the prices of the commodities, we get

Argument Side Requistion Side
Cost of long pepper → 9 6 ← Cost of dry ginger
Quantity of dry ginger → 2 1 ← Quantity of long pepper
In exchange of quantity

of dry ginger →

6 ← How much quantity of

long pepper will get?

Now we have to apply the rule of five, etc. Here the fruits (i.e prices) have been already transposed and there are no denominators on any side.


See Also
