Algebra of Complex Numbers

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In this Section, we shall develop the algebra of complex numbers.

Addition of two complex numbers

Let and be any two complex numbers.Then the sum is defined as follows:

which is also a complex number.

Example: Let and . Hence

The addition of complex numbers satisfy the following properties:

Closure law

The sum of two complex numbers is a complex number. is a complex number for all complex numbers and .

Commutative law

For any two complex numbers and ,

Associative law

For any three complex numbers ,

Existence of additive identity

There exists the complex number (denoted as ) called the additive identity or the zero complex number, such that for every complex number ,

Existence of additive inverse

To every complex number , we have the complex number called the additive inverse or negative of . We observe that (the additive identity).

Difference of two complex numbers

Given any two complex numbers the difference is defined as follows


Multiplication of two complex numbers

Let and be any two complex numbers.Then the product is defined as follows:

The multiplication of complex numbers satisfy the following properties:

Closure law

The product of two complex numbers is a complex number. is a complex number for all complex numbers and .

Commutative law

For any two complex numbers and ,

Associative law

For any three complex numbers ,

Existence of multiplicative identity

There exists the complex number (denoted as ) called the multiplicative identity, such that for every complex number ,

Existence of multiplicative inverse

For every non-zero complex number , we have the complex number (denoted by or ) called the multiplicative inverse of such that (the multiplicative identity).

Division of two complex numbers

Power of i

The square roots of a negative real number