Additive Inverse

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An additive inverse of a number is defined as the value, which on adding with the original number results in zero value. It is the value we add to a number to yield zero. Suppose, is the original number, then its additive inverse will be minus of a i.e.,, such that;

The additive inverse of any given number can be found by changing the sign of it. The additive inverse of a positive number will be a negative, whereas the additive inverse of a negative number will be positive. However, there will be no change in the numerical value except the sign.

For example, the additive inverse of is , whereas the additive inverse of is ..

Additive inverse of Natural or Whole Numbers

Natural numbers are the positive integers. Therefore, the additive inverse of positive integers will be negative.

Natural or Whole Numbers Additive inverse Result

Additive Inverse of Rational Numbers

Suppose is a rational number such that the additive inverse of is and vice versa.

Fraction Additive inverse Result

Additive Inverse of Complex Numbers

Complex numbers are the combination of real numbers and imaginary numbers. is a complex number, where is the real number and is the imaginary number.

The additive inverse of should be a value, that on adding it with a given complex number, we get a result as zero. Therefore, it will be

Example: Additive inverse of is

Difference Between Additive Inverse and Multiplicative Inverse

Additive Inverse Multiplicative Inverse
It is added to the original number to get 0 It is multiplied to the original number to get 1
Results in 0 Results in 1
Sign of the original number is changed and added Reciprocal of the original number is multiplied
Example: Example: