Operations on Sets

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When we perform the operation of addition , multiplication on the pair of numbers , we will get another number. Similarly when we perform the operations on two sets , we will get another set. We will now define certain operations on sets and examine their properties.

Henceforth, we will refer all our sets as subsets of some universal set.

Union of sets

Let and be any two sets. Union of sets means taking all the elements of and keeping the common elements only once. is the symbol to denote the union. Symbolically, we write , it is read as " union ".

Example : 1

Let and

. Here the common elements of these two sets are which are taken only once while showing ..

Example : 2

Let and

Here is a subset of . Union of sets and its subset is the set itself.

i.e if then


The union of two sets A and B is the set C which consists of all those elements which are either in A or in B (including

those which are in both). In symbols, we write


B = {




A or


B }

The union of two sets can be represented by

a Venn diagram as shown in Fig 1.4.

The shaded portion in Fig 1.4 represents



Intersection of sets

Difference of sets