Adjoint and Inverse of a Matrix

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The adjoint of a matrix is needed to calculate the inverse of a matrix.

Adjoint of a Matrix

The adjoint of a matrix is the transpose of the cofactor matrix of . The adjoint of a square matrix is denoted by adj . Let be a square matrix of order .

Steps involved in finding the adjoint of a matrix are:

  • Find the minor matrix of all the elements of matrix .
  • Find the cofactor matrix of all the minor elements of matrix
  • Find the adj by taking the transpose of the cofactor matrix .

Adjoint of a Matrix

Step 1: Find the minor matrix of all the elements of matrix .

Row 1:

Minor of

Minor of

Minor of

Row 2:

Minor of

Minor of

Minor of

Row 3:

Minor of

Minor of

Minor of

Minor of Matrix is

Step 2: Find the cofactor matrix of all the minor elements of matrix

To find the cofactors of matrix, the corresponding minors should be multiplied by the signs below according to their position.

Minor of Matrix is

Cofactor of Matrix A is

Adjoint of Matrix A is adj = Transpose of the Cofactor Matrix

Inverse of a Matrix

The inverse of a matrix , which is represented as , is found using the adjoint of a matrix.

A-1 = (1/|A|) × adj(A). Here,


  • = the determinant of
  • = adjoint of

Inverse of a Matrix

determinant of