Constant Polynomial

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A constant polynomial in algebra is a polynomial whose degree is equal to zero. The standard form of denoting a constant polynomial is where is a real number. Its graph is a horizontal straight line parallel to the x-axis as the value of the constant polynomial remains the same irrespective of the change in the variable .


A polynomial in algebra with degree zero is called a constant polynomial.

In simple words, we can say that a constant polynomial is a polynomial in algebra whose output value remains the same irrespective of the change in the input values. Some of the examples of a constant polynomial are:

Constant Polynomial Graph

Constant polynomial
Constant polynomial

We know that constants output value does not change with the change in the input value. So, it has a straight line graph parallel to the x-axis. Given below is a graph of a constant polynomial f(x) = 3. Whatever may be the value of x, the corresponding output value remains the same which is equal to 3.