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Template description

This template generates a 12 team, 4 division, pool play tournament bracket.

Complete set of blank template parameters

| team-1-abbrev=
| team-1=
| team-2-abbrev=
| team-2=
| team-3-abbrev=
| team-3=
| team-4-abbrev=
| team-4=
| team-5-abbrev=
| team-5=
| team-6-abbrev=
| team-6=
| team-7-abbrev=
| team-7=
| team-8-abbrev=
| team-8=
| team-9-abbrev=
| team-9=
| team-10-abbrev=
| team-10=
| team-11-abbrev=
| team-11=
| team-12-abbrev=
| team-12=

|color-1=         |1v8=  |1v12= |1total=
|color-8=  |8v1=         |8v12= |8total=
|color-12= |12v1= |12v8=        |12total=

|color-2=         |2v7=  |2v11= |2total=
|color-7=  |7v2=         |7v11= |7total=
|color-11= |11v1= |11v7=        |11total=

|color-3=         |3v6=  |3v11= |3total=
|color-6=  |6v3=         |6v11= |6total=
|color-10= |10v3= |10v6=        |10total=

|color-4=        |4v5=   |4v9= |4total=
|color-5=  |5v4=         |5v9= |5total=
|color-9=  |9v4= |9v5=         |9total=
